When choosing bankruptcy credit cards, look at the fees you have to pay. If there are more than two fees required, you may want to pass. Remember, you do not know how much your credit limit is and you do not want to find out when you get your card that you already have a high balance and little available credit due to the fees. Try to find bankruptcy credit cards without application fees and with a reasonable annual fee.
Other factors that you have to look at in bankruptcy credit cards are the interest rates and charges for late payments or for going over the credit limit. While the options may be limited after bankruptcy and you cannot expect to get the same deal as a person with a good credit score, you do not have to pay more than what is necessary. There are reputable financial institutions that are willing to help you restore your credit. Shop around, compare your options and be patient in your search. However, do not make the mistake of submitting your applications to all the credit card companies you are considering just to find out what their terms are. You can get information on the general terms of bankruptcy credit cards by simply inquiring with the different companies. Note that too many credit applications and credit checks will lower your credit score even more. Of course, before you apply for bankruptcy credit cards make sure that card payments will not be a strain on your finances. It would also be good to start with just one or two bankruptcy credit cards (if any at all). Once you have been approved for a credit card, read the terms and conditions carefully and ensure that you understand them completely before accepting the card. Try to keep the credit balance low and manageable. Again, timely payments are essential. Remember, bankruptcy credit cards are great tools to re-establishing your credit if you are responsible in using them.
Of course, two other places to find anyone is online or in the Yellow Pages. The Yellow Pages may be able to give you a good idea of what bankruptcy lawyers in your area, and they may also have their websites listed so you can go online and find out more about them. Of course, if you’re interested in also trying out virtual attorneys, going online is the only place to go.
Better than going through the Yellow Pages, searching online, or even asking friends and family, you should check different associations and organizations when looking for a bankruptcy lawyer. The American Bar Association is one of the best places you can look for a bankruptcy lawyer. Their website even has an online lawyer locater where you can easily search for bankruptcy lawyers in your area. Another association that will help you search for a bankruptcy lawyer online is the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys. Their website also has an Attorney Finder where you can just enter in what kind of lawyer you’re looking for. Remember that wherever you look for a bankruptcy lawyer, you need to collect a list of names, and not just let the first lawyer you find handle your case. Once you have a list of a few names, you can then start contacting them individually to find out if they’re the best lawyer for you. It’s during this interview time that you’ll find out if the lawyer is capable, professional, and if you have a good rapport with them. Bankruptcy is an incredibly hard and incredibly stressful thing. You want to make sure that whoever helps you through it, that you feel comfortable with them. |
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February 2024